Fullbay and the Mobile Tech

A mobile diesel technician is like a lone wolf, prowling the darkened forest in search of their prey.
OK. Maybe we’re taking that visual a bit far. Let’s start over.
What’s the ideal scenario for a diesel mechanic? Full staff support, right? Someone else to take repair requests, price and order parts, authorize work, and even run for parts. Most mechanics would be thrilled if they could just do the work and not get bogged down by all the other necessities.
Sadly, that’s definitely not the reality for the mobile tech, who is often confined to their truck, roaming the highways in search of those who need them.
We’ve always found that a little bit strange. A good mobile tech can be a huge moneymaker for your shop. Besides dealing with roadside breakdowns on an as-needed basis, they can head to a customer’s garage or storage site, line up multiple trucks, and perform PMs simultaneously. This isn’t a realistic shop operation; you’re working with a limited number of bays and can probably only service up to a handful of trucks at a time – if you’ve got a large facility.
So we’ve established that a mobile tech can be worth their weight in gold. Why aren’t we helping them be as efficient as possible? Why are they bogged down with paperwork and invoicing problems? Your mobile tech is probably sitting on the side of the road as you read this, trying to get a payment to process. They could be doing a ton of great work for you, but they need your help to do it.
So how do you make a mobile diesel technician as efficient as possible when they are a lone wolf? They can’t have the same level of staff support as they can in the shop.
Actually…they can. If your shop already runs on Fullbay, then you know exactly how much time and effort it’s already saving your staff. If your shop hasn’t tried Fullbay yet, then check out our free demo and see if it’s for you. It’s a winning choice for your shop overall – but it’s especially going to be an awesome add-on for your mobile techs.
Here’s how it will help them get more done:
Cut the Paperwork
Opening tickets and preparing estimates are critical, but they shouldn’t take huge chunks of the tech’s time. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what tends to happen when a tech is busy working on the road. Ditch the paper and let your mobile diesel technicians use their smartphone, or equip them with a tablet. If your mobile tech is using Fullbay, they can process payments on the side of the road and see invoice data right away.
Let the Team Help
With the right tools in place, the team back at the shop actually can help your lone wolves. Your parts manager can leverage the cloud to price out parts while the tech is in the field. Your service manager can spin up an estimate and get authorization within minutes. You can even see how efficient your tech is being with their time and help them out if they need it.
With the right tools, your mobile tech becomes a one-two punch of efficiency: They’re close to the customer and they have full support from the shop. As the twenty-first century marches on, we’re likely to see even more mobile mechanics taking to the streets, either working for themselves or acting as the mobile arm of an established shop. These techs aren’t going anywhere – so get them the assistance they need.
But what if you’re a mobile tech without a shop at all? Is Fullbay still for you? Absolutely. Despite its name, Fullbay works just as well for wandering lone wolves as it does for a facility full of repair bays. If you’re a one-person traveling mechanic, every moment you put toward your work matters – don’t spend tons of time invoicing and ordering parts when you could be actually getting your work done.