There are all kinds of ways to learn how to use Fullbay! Our support services are completely free and come in the following flavors.Schedule your free demonstration
Learning a completely new software doesn’t have to be difficult. Our guided onboarding will show you exactly how to put Fullbay to work for you.
Trained experts will walk you through how to set up and use Fullbay
No limit to the training: your rep is always available to give you a hand
Sessions are tailored so you learn at your own pace
Fullbay Learn breaks down everything you need to know about the Fullbay workflow into convenient, easily digestible chunks.
Ideal for self-training or training a new employee
Module-based–complete one section before moving on
Your staff can compete for badges, fostering healthy competition
Get started right away! Choose our self-service option and Fullbay will walk you through everything you need.
The setup will tailor itself to your needs
Choose your integrations immediately
Select parts and labor markup
Learn how to use Fullbay while you’re in the app! Our guided training shows you exactly what you need to learn based on your role in the shop.
Follow a learning path designed for your particular job
You’ll still talk to a rep to further refine the way Fullbay works for you
Practice adding a customer, invoicing, and other tasks
Managers can track staff progress
We have a dedicated customer service line that is open from 6 AM to 6 PM MST, and our reps are standing by to assist you!
Support is free forever!
Access to hundreds of training articles (and we’re always adding more!)
¡Hablo español! We’re translating our help articles into Spanish, too
Every one of our techs embraced Fullbay. They told us we were great for getting them tools that made their job easier. We got kudos for making the decision to use Fullbay. Fullbay really was a good change for us.
Ease of use. Tracking tech billed hours. Emailing est. is super easy. Staying in contact with customers is also very easy. Our customers love that they have a port they can use to look up history and repairs.
Fullbay helps us keep track of all the parts. I can look back and see where and when we sold certain parts and what time of the year it coincides with. Being able to run the parts reports, I can keep stock on all those items.
With Fullbay, I don't print off a bunch of papers anymore ... It's digital so I don't have to worry about paperwork. It's making finding invoices so much easier. If a customer needs an invoice, I don't have to dig ... I just type in the invoice, and there you go!