Buying a Fleet Software Server is Expensive and Unnecessary

In the past, it was normal for businesses to have their own servers. Purchasing data storage equipment cost thousands of dollars. Thousands more were budgeted for a system administrator and tech support staff, and yet even more for software and upgrades. There used to be no way around equipping your shop with these essentials. However, the development of the Cloud rendered buying a fleet software server unnecessary. What’s more, the Cloud keeps up with constantly evolving technology better than on-site equipment can.
Benefits of the Cloud
There’s no arguing that servers served a purpose once upon a time. It’s just that, now, the Cloud serves that purpose better. You don’t need to build and maintain your shop’s own mini data center anymore. The saved space is just the beginning of the benefits you will reap from the Cloud. You’ll have access to huge computing power–more than enough to take care of all your business’s needs. Regular, reliable backups are part of the package with the Cloud, as well. That means you won’t have to remember to do them or worry about whether they got done properly.
Even better, the data and programs are instantly accessible from anywhere on a variety of devices. Choosing the Cloud over a fleet software server means better security, too. You won’t find a safer storage solution. Datacenters in the Cloud are subject to especially strict security laws and controls.
No More Maintenance
A shop with its own server needs to invest in a new one every 5 years to keep up with technology. Trading out a fleet software server for the Cloud means no more maintenance, updating, or upgrading. Datacenters in the Cloud take care of all of that as part of the deal. You don’t even have to stay on top of it. You’ll automatically have access to the newest technology without ever having to think about it.
Saving Money on a Fleet Software Server
The Cloud’s convenience factor is great. However, the biggest benefit comes when it’s time to “show me the money.” Let’s say the next time your server is due for an upgrade you go with the Cloud instead. When your shop switches to the Cloud from a fleet software server, you could save up to 90 percent in the first year. That’s because you won’t be laying out thousands of dollars on new equipment. True, over the next 4 years, the savings drop. Yet, at almost 60 percent, they’re still significant enough to justify the decision. Plus, without the need for a new server every 5 years, the savings averages out to almost 80 percent over the long haul.
Convenience and savings both apply when it comes to software in the Cloud. When your shop converts to Cloud-based alternatives such as Microsoft 360, Google Business Aps, QuickBooks Online, and Fullbay, they’re accessible from wherever you are. What’s more, you’ll never have to watch for the newer versions to come out. You also won’t have to worry about how long you can put off an upgrade before the older version is no longer supported. The best part is you won’t have to shell out a huge chunk of cash for the upgrade. Upgrades happen automatically, the cost is already covered, and you’ll have unlimited tech support access any time you need it. To sum it up, going with a fleet software server in the Cloud could be the best financial decision you make for your shop.