Diesel Repair Estimates: Three Ways to Drum Up Business

You and your customers are busy, which means it’s absolutely crucial that you find ways to start and finish jobs fast—without sacrificing quality—so your customers can get back on the road. One of the best ways to do that is to ensure your diesel repair estimates are on point. That’s good for current customers—and for drumming up new business. After all, customers talk. And one good job may very well lead to another. With that in mind, here are three tips to help you leverage your estimates to their fullest:
1. Make them accurate.
While ensuring your diesel repair estimates are accurate may seem like a no-brainer, it’s certainly worth mentioning. That’s because many shops sacrifice accuracy for the sake of time. After all, calling each and every vendor to price the parts necessary to do a job can take hours—if not days. And your customers may need the job done immediately. But guessing on an estimate is a big mistake. In fact, incorrectly pricing even one part can not only jeopardize the trust between you and your customer, but also put you at risk for losing money on a job. And neither of those outcomes are good for business.
2. Make them consistent.
Sure, the price of parts fluctuate—and you may even raise your labor rates occasionally—but giving a customer an estimate on a job that’s dramatically different than the price of a similar job you already performed can be hard to swallow. It could even cause a customer to go looking elsewhere to get the work done. Now, most shop owners wouldn’t do such a thing intentionally, but it can certainly happen on accident, especially if you’re ballparking diesel repair estimates on the fly without referencing your past order history.
3. Make them fast.
You should never sacrifice accuracy for speed (as we mentioned above), but being able to put together a complete estimate quickly can be the difference between landing a job or losing one. After all, time is money—and that holds true for you and your customers. No one benefits when you have to wait days to begin a job because you haven’t heard back from a vendor.
Ever wonder what it would be like to build a diesel repair estimate for a customer—specifically, one that’s super accurate—in a matter of minutes? Now, you can—with Fullbay’s Quick Estimate tool. No more wasting time calling your vendors to request a quote—or, worse, ballparking an estimate, which puts you at risk for covering price discrepancies. Instead, leverage your entire order history to price parts—and mark them up—correctly all in one quick pass. In no time at all, you and your customer will know exactly what the job costs, which means you can get to work sooner and get paid faster. Demo Fullbay today to see how our Quick Estimate tool can help you help you—and your customers.