2021 Ultimate Guide to Heavy-Duty Truck Shows

Heavy-duty truck shows are a great place to meet people, catch up on industry news, and score products and equipment to help make your shop more efficient, effective, and profitable.
Every show in North America is a bit different. Some are hosted by trade associations such as ATA, while others are put on by promoters who specialize in producing events. Most shows are held annually, but there are a handful that only come around every couple of years.
Want to start hitting the heavy-duty show circuit? Check out our list of spots to hit around the United States in Canada.
California Trucking Association
2021: 01/20-01/22 Virtual
Set in the historic Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego, this trade show for California truckers never disappoints. It’s the annual event members have looked forward to for nearly 65 years for the most up-to-date industry news and educational seminars. The CTA show is the place to connect with industry leaders and learn about the services and resources, whether you’re a driver, owner-operator, or small fleet owner.
Official site: caltrux.org
2021: 01/25 – 01/28 Virtual
This expo is the premier meeting for the independent aftermarket industry, featuring service providers, distributors, suppliers, and industry media. It’s the place to check out the newest aftermarket products from new and established companies alike. It also offers unmatched opportunities for networking and scheduled one-on-one business meetings.
Associations: American Council of Frame and Alignment Specialists (ACOFAS), Association of Diesel Specialists (ADS), Automotive Electric Association (AEA), Commercial Vehicle Solutions Network (CVSN), Heavy-Duty Distribution Association (HDDA), Heavy-Duty Manufacturers Association (HDMA), APRA’s Heavy-Duty Remanufacturing Group (HDRG), International Truck Parts Association (ITPA), Overseas Automotive Council (OAC), and Service Specialists Association (SSA).
Official site: hdaw.org
ADS Show
Association of Diesel Specialists
2021: 01/25 – 01/28 Virtual
ADS was formed with the mission to “provide programs and services to its members that will assist in achieving successful business operations in the diesel industry throughout the world.” You’ll meet other independent repair shop owners who focus on diesel fuel injection, drive-in, governor, and turbocharger service.
Official site: diesel.org
The NATSO Show
National Association of Truck Stop Operators
2021: June, July, August Virtual
This trade show focuses on amenities drivers can’t do without. Seminar topics frequently cover subjects that affect everyone in the business on some level, such as industry news, trucking regulations, tolling, commercialization of rest areas, and more. You’ll also find numerous vendors and exhibitors featuring equipment, services, and products that will help you better serve your customers.
Official site: natsoshow.org
Midwest Truck Show
Mid-West Trucking Association
2021: Canceled
Proud to be one of the first heavy-duty truck shows of the year, the Midwest Truck show brings people from all areas of the trucking industry together, from suppliers to distributors to customers. Connect, mingle, and participate in educational seminars. You can also get a look at the latest from equipment and product suppliers, including computer technology and software.
Official site: midwesttruckshow.com
WPMA Convention
Western Petroleum Marketers Association
2021: Canceled
Trade show for the Western Petroleum Marketers Association targeting marketers in the western United States. It’s the expo professionals in the industry count on for up-to-date news on cutting-edge business practices and technology. This show is big on education through seminars and knowledge-sharing sessions, but also offers a steady stream of usual expo events, like brand meetings and equipment and suppliers exhibits.
Official site: wpma.com
TMC Annual Meeting & Transportation Technology Exhibit
American Trucking Associations (ATA) Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC)
2021: Virtual Spring Meeting 04/12 – 04/23 and In-Person Fall Meeting 09/12 – 09/16 in Cleveland, Ohio
Maintenance and maintenance management are the focus of this specialty show. It’s where those in the industry check out innovations in equipment, new products, services, and technologies. In addition, this expo is the place to get a look at the future of transportation energy resources and equipment, as well as attend seminars given by members with real-world experience in technology, best practices, equipment, maintenance, and a whole lot more.
Official site: trucking.org
Truckload Carriers Association Annual Convention
Truckload Carriers Association (TCA)
2021: 04/17 – 04/20 in Las Vegas, Nevada
TCA’s annual convention is billed as the leading education and networking event for the trucking industry’s truckload sector. It’s the premier event for all things truckload, including flatbed, intermodal carrier, refrigerated, and dry van operations. The TCA convention offers a chance for those in all levels of the truckload business to get the scoop on industry news, develop and share strategies, and view the latest products and advancements.
Official site: truckload.org
The Work Truck Show
National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA)
2021: 03/08 – 03/12 VIrtual
Thousands of commercial truck professionals gather at this trade show every year. It focuses specifically on commercial trucks and vans, along with related equipment and other components. At this expo you can catch up on industry news, attend award ceremonies, and be on-hand for product launches. Plus, the Green Truck Summit takes place during this expo, featuring electric vehicles and alternate fuels. For those across all sectors of the commercial truck profession, it’s the must-attend event of the year.
Official site: worktruckshow.com
Vision Hi-Tek Training and Expo
2021: 03/2 – 03/11 Virtual
Those interested in learning more about technical and management topics in the heavy-duty industry will want to stop by this show, where exhibitors will show off the latest tools, technology, and services. There are over 100 sessions available to help educate automotive service professionals.
Official site: visionkc.com
Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS)
Exhibit Management Associates
2021: Not occurring
2022: 3/24 – 3/26 Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY
This three-day expo is the world’s largest annual heavy-duty trucking event. Considering MATS is jam-packed with more than 1,000 exhibitors covering more than 1 million square feet, it certainly lives up to its reputation. Events include interactive demonstrations, educational presentations, exhibits, and networking opportunities.
Official site: truckingshow.org
National Association of Fleet Administrators Institute & Expo
National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA)
2021: 08/30 – 09/1 in Pittsburgh, PA
If you’re looking for the biggest gathering of new and veteran fleet managers, this is the industry show for you. It’s where thousands of trucking professionals network and exchange ideas. The three-day show is packed with special events like seminars by well-known speakers from the industry, as well as a focus on education, cutting-edge training, and workshops you won’t find at many other expos. Plus, attendees get to check out the newest products and services of over 250 vendors and exhibitors.
Official site: nafainstitute.org
Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC)
2021: 09/19 – 09/24 at the Indiana Convention Center in Indianapolis, IN
FDIC is a gathering of everything fire-related. Over 35,000 professionals from the Fire & Rescue field attend each year to attend workshops and view exhibits related to the industry. More than 800 companies exhibit their products and services, and you’ll be able to network with and learn from fire chiefs, HazMat technicians, apparatus & equipment specialists, and many more.
Official site: fdic.com
National Tank Truck Carriers Annual Conference & Exhibits (NTTC)
2021: 06/13 – 06/15 Indianapolis, IN
Fleet owners and executives from the bulk carriers industry gather for this expo. Events include opportunities to network and discover the latest innovations in bulk transportation and associated fleet industry news. The NTTC will also honor tank truck drivers who exemplify transportation safety. Eight drivers are recognized as the best of the best in the industry, with one being chosen as the Grand Champion based on industry knowledge, company leadership, and accident-free miles driven.
Official site: tanktruck.org
Advanced Clean Transportation Expo
Gladstein, Neandross & Associates (GNA)
2021: 08/31 – 09/1 at Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, California
This show is called the largest “clean” conference and expo for the transportation industry. As you might guess, the focus is on clean fuels as well as the newest technologies, equipment, and strategies for fuel efficiency. Solutions for environmental and economic fleet stability are also frequent topics covered in educational sessions. What’s more, expo-goers have access to over 250 exhibitors showcasing technologies, products, and services related to cleaner transportation.
Official site: actexpo.com
Expedite Expo
2021: 07/16 – 07/17 in Fort Wayne, IN
Drivers in the expediting industry come back year after year to this exclusive expo. It’s focused on bringing owner-operators, drivers, and fleet owners together. In addition to room for over 500 exhibits from vendors across the industry, attendees also have the opportunity to network and attend dedicated workshops designed to benefit their specific niche, whether they’re a driver, CEO, or fleet owner.
Official site: expediteexpo.com
TBD at The Sheraton Fairplex Hotel & Conference Center
The DRIVE Expo is organized specifically for independent repair shop owners who are ready to take their business to the next level. Attendees receive training and learn about recent innovations to improve their businesses. This unique conference also enables networking amongst other shop owners.
Official site: drive-expo.com
The Great American Trucking Show
Randall-Reilly Events
2021: Canceled
Providing a distinctive interactive event in a motivating environment is what GATS is all about. Each year, attendees look forward to touring over 500 exhibits, viewing the latest from truck, engine, trailer, parts and other components manufacturers. It’s an educational and exciting three days for people in the trucking industry.
Official site: truckshow.com
IANA Intermodal Expo
Intermodal Association of North America
2021: 09/12 – 09/14 at the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center in Long Beach, California
For those in goods transportation, IANA is the premier event for the industry and on everyone’s must-attend list. Naturally, the show offers seminars, networking opportunities, and product and service exhibits. IANA is also considered a classroom experience, where attendees can catch up on industry news and innovations as well as learn new skills and share effective ideas for business.
Official site: intermodalexpo.com
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance Annual Conference & Exhibition
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA)
2021: 08/29 – 09/2 in Wilmington, Delaware
The annual meeting of officials and peers within the commercial motor vehicle safety community. It’s where anyone concerned with furthering safety in the industry can meet face-to-face with committees and task forces intended to analyze and examine the latest innovations and ideas for saving lives.
Official site: cvsa.org
Accelerate! Conference & Expo
Women in Trucking (WiT)
2021: 11/7 – 11/9 in Dallas, TX
A unique event for the supply chain, logistics, and transportation industry. This North American commercial vehicle show focuses on gender diversity in the industry, and is a bit smaller than other events on the calendar. Still, men and women both attend and enjoy taking advantage of the more than 30 seminars and networking opportunities. This expo also features vehicle, equipment, and accessory exhibits, along with services and other products.
Official site: womenintrucking.org
SSA (Service Specialist Association)
TBD at the Savannah Marriott in Savannah, GA
Savannah will host the SSA meeting in 2021. This gathering of heavy-duty truck repair specialists will provide an opportunity to learn and network with others in the repair industry. Industry suppliers and manufacturers are also part of this event.
Official site: servicespecialistsassociation.com
California Trucking Show
California Trucking Association
2021: 10/16 – 10/17 at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, California
This expo sponsored by the California Trucking Association just gets bigger and better every year. The association brings in exhibitors from all over to showcase the newest equipment, accessories, safety equipment, and other components. You’ll also get the chance to speak with financial and legal experts, as well as learn more about various industry associations.
Official site: californiatruckingshow.com
NTDA Convention
National Trailer Dealers Association (NTDA)
2021: 10/6 – 10/8 in Whistler, BC Canada
One of the top networking and educational events in the trailer dealer industry. Members can introduce new products, and attendees are welcome to view over 100 displays at a dedicated exhibition and lunch. A fundraiser golf tournament held during the expo each year raises money for scholarships for NTDA members’ children, and a President’s Award of Excellence is presented to an outstanding member of the year. All that is on top of the general sessions, educational programming, and industry overview to help attendees improve their businesses.
Official site: ntda.org
The SEMA Show
Specialty Equipment Market Association
2021: 11/2 – 11/5 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
Those in the automotive specialty products industry put the SEMA Show on their calendars each year. It’s where they go to network with the brightest minds in the trade and get a glimpse of the newest products. In fact, each year the New Products Showcase introduces thousands of brand-new tools, parts, and components, many being unveiled right at the show. Plus, there are always product demos, seminars, special events, and more to take in over the course of the multi-day event.
Official site: semashow.com
Automotive Aftermarket Products Expo
2021: 11/2 – 11/4 Virtual
This expo in the heart of Las Vegas showcases aftermarket auto parts. Not only does it showcase the latest and greatest ways to make your cars more spectacular, it also introduces products to help on the repair side of the business. In addition, AAPEX offers training and a large network of people who have the same purpose in mind: improvements in the auto industry.
Official site: aapexshow.com
Heavy-Duty Truck Shows in Canada
2021: Not taking place
This gathering for the Canadian trucking and transportation industry is so huge, it only comes around every couple of years. While many of the expos draw interest from those already in the industry, this one openly welcomes the public and anyone interested in a trucking career. It’s the place anyone can network and connect with North American trucking business pros from across the industry and get a load of more than 500 vendors showcasing equipment, supply chain, logistics, and distribution solutions.
Official site: truckworld.ca